
Uscita prevista per il 29 di settembre, il nuovo album dell’artista inglese Andrew Weatherall arriva ad un anno esatto da “Convenanza”, LP rilasciato dopo circa dieci anni dall’ultimo full-lenght dal titolo “A Pox On The Pioneers” del 2009.

“Qualia” a differenza del precedente album di Andrew Weatherall uscito sull’etichetta Rotters Golf Club sarà rilasciato da Höga Nord Rekords, etichetta svedese (Göteborg) che ha prodotto per artisti come Robert Leiner, Pete Bassman e Dark Strands.

Otto tracce prodotte da Andrew Weatherall e che hanno visto la collaborazione con Nina Walsh, come in Convenanza (ascolta l’album intero a fine pagina), per il missaggio e l’engineering; mentre per la parte artistica vanta il contributo di Erick Legrand.


L’artista che sotto parecchi punti di vista ha contributo a creare la club culture inglese insieme a personaggi come Paul Oakenfold, Danny Rampling e Terry Farley, torna per farci ascoltare nuovamente bella musica, questa volta con un nuovo album atteso come tutte le sue produzioni e dichirara:

«Mr Brackstone, my psychic shepherd, when confronted by the facts would probably say it was cosmic synchronicity but then again he would because he’s Jung at heart,”

 E continua:

“Others may cite mere coincidence. These are the facts. I’ll leave the metaphysical debate for another time. It’s all about the black notebooks as memorial device and ‘The Black Notebook’ and ‘This Is Memorial Device.’ At the same time as reading Mr Modiano and Mr Keenan I was ensconced in The Woodleigh Research Facility investigating a method of composition sparked by a random event too prosaic for the telling; unless of course we go back to ‘The Red Book’ and see the hand of Jah [the D.M.T molecule that steers human existence] at work. After all it was him/her/non-binary that sent me the ‘shave your beard off’ message. And the ‘don’t buy any more drugs’ one. Whatever your leanings, the music on Qualia is the result of images, feelings  and thought processes stirred up by Monsieur Modiano and Mister Keenan channeled through the medium of a sonic notebook—in itself the memoir of somebody else’s life/fiction. My own black notebooks, like Jean’s [Modiano’s protagonist] stir the silt of memory and birth as many mysteries as memories. They also provided the track titles»·

Ascolta lo streaming del precedente album “Convenanza” qui: