
The Canadian producer Loopsy Dazy immerses us in this interesting live instrumental set that involves us: about 20 minutes of pleasant trip, where analog and digital merge in a malody that makes the listener dream.

“Live one-take studio recording without the use of any pre-made audio samples, bed tracks, midi files, dummy clips, synth sequences or drum pattern sequences whatsoever: my Ableton template consists of 20 tracks, 101 plugins and exactly zero clips. Ableton is basically acting as an insanely powerful effects processor, live looper and mixer.

All sounds are from the guitar, the Korg Monologue and the Volca Beats. And – the synth and the drum machine are essentially being played by the guitar and subsequent loops that are created. The guitar, in conjunction with a bunch of Max for Live devices, is triggering the notation of the Monologue as well as the cutoff key track, cutoff velocity, amp velocity and other parameters.

The guitar signal is simultaneously being run through the synths filters, envelopes and LFOs as well, and this is all looped once again at various stages. Various parameters of the M4L devices and other effects are also being controlled by the guitar. The basic patterns for the Volca are generated by M4L devices and are then live-tweaked with the MIDI Fighter Twister; the guitar, guitar loops, and guitar+synth loops are sending velocity information to the Volca and are manipulating the complexity of the patterns as well. The Envelope Follower, LFO and Shaper devices all combined are tweaking 75 parameters of the mix, the depth and rates of these being controlled by the controller as well as by other devices and the guitar/loops. I’m also controlling at least 100 parameters via the controller directly for other effects; not to mention the foot controller”.